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MAY 2nd MAY 10th 2024

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to dive deep into self in one of the most beautiful spots on earth.This is a 9 day retreat that will allow you to dive deeper into exploring and clearing any unwanted energetic patterns that you are holding in each of your chakras. The intensity of healing energy in Peru coupled with specific exercises, energy work and ceremonies designed specifically for clearing each of the chakras, will energize you, transform you and help you start living the life you were meant to live.  This is open to all graduates of Rainbow Warrior Advanced or Students Currently Enrolled.

 This is NOT a vacation, this is a LIFE TRANSFORMATION!!!

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Details below


  • Airport pick up in Cusco

  • Welcome dinner the first night

  • Breakfast in Cusco 

  • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner at the retreat center (4 days)

  • 8 nights Accommodation

  • Your entire trip to Machu Picchu except for meals: this includes all transportation there and back, hotel, entrance fee, ceremony with the shaman of MP

  • 2 ceremonies in sacred sites ( Temple of the Moon and Machu Picchu)

  • Chakra teachings

  • Daily Energy Work

  • Peruvian Despacho ceremony

  • Closing dinner 


  • Flights
  • Return taxi to airport
  • Food at Machu Picchu
  • Tips for guides


Join The Waitlist

  Price $5,500


“Meredith has been changing my life for the better since my regular reiki sessions with her.  The Peru retreat was thoughtfully planned – with lots of time for reflection and just “being.”   This is great in the sense that I could process the work I did, as well as not needing a vacation from my vacation.  Every moment and every day changed something inside of me.   She has a way of letting you be your guide, yet intuitively knowing when to offer assistance, suggest, help. This retreat is perfect for someone who really wants to either “clean house,” work through and clear some things, uplift their spiritual existence, or all of the above.  The scenery and the people of the Sacred Valley are medicine unto themselves.  Ultimately one will come back a new and improved person, which is what happened to me. I have integrated this change of awareness in my life, and it is a bettered path.   It’s not a quickie “om-shanti I am transformed” experience.  It is a careful, deep, expansive, steady exploration, of which Meredith’s Sage Wisdom guides the entire time.   If you are ready for this… you will get to a better place, and never want to return to where you were before. Thank you Meredith, your life’s work is more valuable than anything else I’ve known. ”

~ Free Dominguez

My thoughts are different, my life is different and I am more at peace.

My experience wasn’t jolting like getting a tooth pulled without painkillers. It was more like getting my hair brushed and the knots gently unraveled to smoothness.

Peru set the backdrop and played a major role in my unfolding. The calmness of the gentle breezes, the kindness in the hearts of the locals and the love within our circle gave me an experience that has made me forever grateful!

During the trip, it was like one moment of adventure after another all within the same day. Working on myself, sharing and spending time with beautiful souls felt right but the true experience was upon my return. It’s been almost two months and how life was then is so much different now. Crazy days of being rattled with client requests and uneasiness has been replaced with a calm demeanor and more time for myself, and all with abundance. Reacting to my patterns has been replaced with observance and respect.

Meredith, I’m so eternally grateful for the gift you shared with me. There is a knowingness that has been imparted on my soul and the wisdom to live a truly wholehearted life…one life lesson at a time.

Thank you!
~ Jennifer Mola

“(UHNLOCK:Peru) really solidified all the spiritual work I’ve been doing for past few years, deepening it and strengthening it so that I now feel capable and confident to carry it into my “real life”. The energy of Peru is so nourishing supportive, and Meredith is so good at creating and holding safe space, it really allowed me to dig deep and allow myself to open up to transformation and to trust my own strength and knowing.”
~ Anna Lobell

Working with Meredith for the past year has been a true blessing in my life. Little did I know her amazing work would lead me to a trip that would literally change my life.

What does one say about a life changing experience? Words can’t describe what I got out of my trip to Peru with Meredith.

Peru was one of the most magical and spiritual places I have ever been.   Her work on the chakras opened my eyes and heart and healed old wounds that have no more space left in my body. It’s hard to put into Words to describe my experience but those special moments I shared with the group and more importantly myself will remain with me forever.

If you are lucky enough to have been invited don’t walk, run! Better yet fly into a world of endless possibilities, life is too short to miss out on discovering your true self.

~Elizabeth Hendrickson


“Participating in the Uhnlock retreat most definitely unlocked a deeper and broader connection and insight to myself and the world I live in. The experience has opened and heightened my perspective of this universe we are a part of. There’s a profound, newfound understanding, belief, and trust in my souls’ life purpose. I feel supported on my path. My courage and strength are rooted and fortified. My heart opens more and more each day, growing and overflowing with love for myself and all of life. My vision and intention now clearly marked and elevated.

Discovering ancient wisdom of our ancestors, participating in sacred ceremonies and connecting to the nature and environment of Peru’s Sacred Valley ignited a fire deep within. I will never forget the beauty and vital energy of that land and how envigorating it felt to be in it.

Learning about the chackra’s and working our way through each of them was challenging in the best ways possible and fun too! Breath work meditation and walking under the super starlit nights’ sky was the best way to round out each day.

Our group of 11 was awesome, each of us different and similar in our own unique ways. We traveled and worked well together in our shared supportive space. During our free time, it was wonderful having the option to stroll into the town center to experience more of the culture and people, and peruse the beautiful textiles and local goods at the markets. The food was delicious, clean and healthy.

I have countless unforgettable moments and memories from my time in Peru on this retreat. It was truly a gift I cherish and hold sacred in my heart. Meredith is a powerful healer and has become a dear friend.

I lovingly encourage all of us on our spiritual path to be fearless and true. Uhnlock is an opportunity to do just that.

Shine on!
~Clarissa Costa


The Uhnlock retreat was one of the components of my journey with Meredith that includes ongoing Reiki sessions. My life has grown in love and prosperity considerably and I truly credit that to Meredith’s teachings and energy work. The retreat was an amazing experience. Peru is an inspiring and magical place. I felt like I was in good hands with Meredith and enjoyed the group that she assembled. I have a whole new arsenal of understanding myself, energy and tools to quickly disarm patterns and thoughts that don’t serve me. I’ve developed new courage to take on challenges and I can honestly say I’m living the life I want to.  I highly recommend not only the retreat, but gleaning as much wisdom and healing as you can from Meredith! It’s the best investment of time and energy you can make for yourself.

~Faith Sams