Advanced Rainbow Warriors

Journal Questions

Instructions: Pick 1-3 questions and spend twenty minutes of uninterrupted stream of conscious writing on questions surrounding lies, the demon of the chakra. You do not need to turn this in — it’s for your own discovery process. Don’t hold back. Write whatever comes.  


  1. What does illusion mean to you? 

  2.  What is the difference between imagination and illusion?

  3. How does your attachment to how something should be pull you out of present moment?

  4. Is there a belief for you that is so powerful that you might confuse it with the truth?

  5. Are there stories from the past that you are fixated on and you haven’t been able to let go of?  For Example:  I always get rejected, I choose unhealthy partnerships? Are you willing to let go? 

  6. What patterns in your life have you uncovered ?  How can you make different choices and clear them?