Advanced Rainbow Warriors

Before the RWA Course starts


Jan: 9, 16, 23, 30
Feb: 6, 13, 20, 27 (3 hour final class)

4pm- 6:30 pm PST (This is 30 mins longer than beginner)


1) Friday night 5PM prior to the first class  THIS FORM needs to be filled out.   
2) Set a repeating phone alarm for calls day Sundays (15 min before class start) so you’re not late! 


1. Journal
2. Pen
3. Zoom
4. A quiet place where you won’t be interrupted and a place to lay down for the energy sessions


In this Advanced Course, we will be taking our work even deeper. Please pick one area or breakthrough that would change your life the most right now. Where is your energy the most stuck. We are going to work with that particular issue through all the chakras. By exploring the demons of the chakras, we will find where your strengths and weaknesses are in each chakra to help support your transformation. 


1. Be on time! This is very important. We have soooo much to get through. Please, please be on time. If you are not on time you are taking away valuable time from others in the class. If you know you tend to be late, set a weekly alarm reminder 15 mins before.
2. No eating on the call: Only liquids
3. Be present: Please don’t be driving or doing other activities. Be in a quiet place where you can feel free and relaxed. 

It’s very important to have a safe container to do our work. We want everyone here to allow themselves to feel vulnerable. So we ask that you FULLY participate when possible: Get into it. Please share, please be vulnerable. And…YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO PARTICIPATE IN ANYTHING YOU DON’T WANT TO.

You are responsible for yourself and your physical, mental and spiritual space. But do keep in the mind, the more you go for it, the more honest you are, the more vulnerable, the more you look at your fear and work through it, the more you will get out of this.

We ask these 6 things of you during the duration of the course:

1. Confidentiality: I maintain to keep anything I see and hear confidential when it relates to another person.
2. Nonjudgment: I recognize that whatever I see in another, I strengthen in myself.
3. No Gossiping: I intend to not speak about others behind their backs. I will not influence other people with my judgments.
4. Being a good listener and not giving advice to anyone: I intend to listen deeply and hold a space for others to speak without the need to give advice or solve anyone else’s problems.
5. Being on time: I intend to be on the call and fully prepared 5 min before the hour
6.  Awareness of time: I intend to only share things that further a conversation of growth so that we all have an opportunity to contribute.