Advanced Rainbow Warriors

Journal Questions

Instructions: Pick 1-3 questions and spend twenty minutes of uninterrupted stream of conscious writing on questions surrounding lies, the demon of the chakra. You do not need to turn this in — it’s for your own discovery process. Don’t hold back. Write whatever comes.  


  1. Is there a story you’re not being honest about to yourself or others? What are you afraid will happen if you tell the truth?

  2. What is the most common reason for you to be dishonest? 

  3. What is the most frightening thing to be honest about to yourself?  If you admit this to yourself what will happen?

  4. What is a white lie? Is there any difference between a white lie and any other kind of lie? When have you told a white lie? What was the situation?

  5. Some people say that simply avoiding the truth isn’t really a lie. What do you think?