Master Class

Third Eye Homework

Instructions: Spend this week connecting with your clearing and discovering your power animal through Shamanic Journeying 



    Once you get to your clearing…you can ask your power animal to show itself or just set the intention before the journey to see your spirit animal.  The secret to recognizing the power animal is a simple one: it will appear to you at least four times in different aspects or at different angles. It will be a mammal or bird (in which cases it does not matter if it appears menacing), a serpent, other reptile, or fish (provided that in these last three cases they do not show their fangs or teeth). It may even be a “mythic” animal or in human form. It is almost never an insect, stone, or other material. All its presentations are valid. Again, do not try too hard. Your search should be relatively effortless, for you are drawing upon power beyond your ordinary self. After seeing the animal four times, clasp it to your chest immediately with one hand. The animal will come willingly; otherwise it would not have presented itself.