RW Teacher Notes



INTRO: i want to start by acknowledging you all for being here. Esp in this time.

this is not an easy time it’s filled with a lot of pain, fear, anger, sadness, discomfort, uncertainty…there’s just so much happening and it’s really all root there is no better place you could be today if you are having any of these feelings.

The work of change really starts within each of us. When we’re really solid and holding a high vibration we are actually able to support others, to be there for others and to really stand in our power to make changes in the world. It’s not easy to look at our stuff and commit to doing the work. It’s so so challenging. Sometimes it feels like it so much easier to just run away and hide. It’s a difficult journey that many don’t choose to go on.

So I honor you for all for showing up for yourselves so you can then show up for others and help make the world a better place.

My intention is to create a support system here, family, a community, a safe space that we can all express and experience what we’re going though. SOOOO…..

Welcome to the Rainbow Warriors 8 week chakra program. Each session will include teachings, sharing with the group and an energy session based on the chakra we are working on. We will start today on Root chakra and work our way up weekly to the crown. The final 8th

session will be a full rainbow healing to incorporate and clear anything remaining from all the chakras.

For those of you that don’t know much about the chakras this will give you deeper understanding of what they are and what physical and emotional qualities they govern. They are portals into understanding yourself.

For those that have already studied with me..this will give you a deeper look into your patterns and will allow you to uncover and release even deeper energies…and really transform your life.


NEED during class:

a journal a pen Spotify
Telegram app Class Account

To Do

  • You will be muted but able to unmute yourself. Please also participate in the chat as well.

  • sparkly fingers when you hear someone, agree with someone etc…

  • Weekly Check-in Sheet reports by Friday at 5pm

  • Please sign up for acct… share screen

• Please be on time

Answer Any Questions from forms


Talk about importance of homework. Their responsibility for their change…I hold container..they need to do the work… Ask. so who is responsible for your results?

2. Rules

2)Rules about sharing: get to the point

3) I want us all to to take a minute to really arrive in this space together. so many times we are rushing around from one thing to another without really landing or consciously choosing to be somewhere. This is a really intense time right now. I want you to close your eyes. Feel into your body and take a few deep breaths. grounding exercise


1)Name, Where you’re from, and Intention of Class:

Have everyone state their intention


you are about to go on a journey. it is a journey through the layers of your own self. It is a journey through your life, through the worlds within and around you. It begins here in your own body. it begins now, wherever you are. It is your own personal quest. it’s your own exploration of mind body and spirit. So with that i want you to start to tune into your intention for this course for the next 8 weeks together as we start to really explore what we are blocking in each of the chakras what were holding on to. what we’re afraid of -what we’re willing to step into. So really getting clear on what you want to create. It can be what you want to let go of or what you want to bring in. And when you’re clear, really grounding into that, sending that intention downward

through the body, into the earth, feeling it being receive by the physical, by mother earth, by matter. Into physical reality and then pulling it back up through the body, from those roots and all the way up into the cosmos. sending out into the field of energy and vibration.

So taking a few more breaths here…really connecting to those roots, feeling your strengths in your body, connection to the physical to earth energy and when you’re ready you can open your eyes.


Root chakra Teachings

Session 1: Root Chakra
THE 1st CHAKRA: The 1st/Root Chakra is Muladara

The root chakra relates to the physical body, nourishment and health, roots and grounding, survival, trust, home/ family, groups/tribes, unity, financial support, focus and form.

Goal of your 1st is: Survival

Action: I have Demon: Fear Color: Red

Element: Earth

Balanced: good health, vitality, well grounded, comfortable in your body, sense of trust in the world, feeling of safety and security, ability to relax and be still, stability, prosperity, Right livelihood.

Deficiency: Disconnection from body, notably underweight, fearful, anxious, restless, cant settle, poor focus and discipline, financial difficulty, chronic disorganization

Excess: Obesity, overating, hoarding, material fixation, greed, sluggish, lazy, tired, fear of change, addiction to security, rigid boundaries

The first chakra represents the element of earth, and is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence.

Foundation: Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation.
other chakras sit on top it.

When we begin our spiritual journey we often want to start working on the upper chakras…they seem to be much more fun;

opening the heart (4th), our physic abilities (6th), connection to spirit (7th) etc… but without a strong foundation, they are

ultimately unstable. It’s like building a house. you can build the 4th

story, the 5th, the 6th and make them look beautiful. You can even decorate the inside, get rid of old furniture, totally transform it etc… but if an earthquake comes and there isn’t a strong foundation, instead of just swaying, they will topple over and you will have to rebuild from the beginning.

Like a tree, strong roots allows you to grow higher.

1) Chakra is about Survival. The goal of the root is to keep you alive.

The instinct of survival is so runs the baseline of our physical existence. When retreats and allows our consciousness to engage in other activities. When threatened it dominates everything. If survival threats are common.. consciousness will stay fixated here. Which causes the body to be in a state of hyper stimulated readiness, flooded with stress hormones that promote fight or flight response.

It is connected to our adrenal and immune systems:

fight or flight ..

These days we have so much stimuli that our bodies and minds are in a constant state of heightened awareness. With the rise of stress, noise pollution, flashing lights, computer screens, and rapid information our bodies are constantly in fight or flight mode. We are triggering all of our senses at speeds that our bodies weren’t designed to handle. We spend less time in nature and less time with

our shoes off. Plain and simple, our nervous system is out of whack

  1. 2)  Health… Immune system

  2. 3)  Physical body: Caring for your body with food, sleep, water etc…Nourishment

  3. 4)  Trust: It is also the first chakra developed In Utero: having needs met

    It is the first one that is developed in utero… Connection to Mother…easily having needs met.. born and can’t speak

  4. 5)  Home: creating safe home. Clearing out clutter…making home feel good. Body as home for spirit

  5. 6)  Tribe: what you are born into. Morals, values beliefs

  6. 7)  Prosperity: being able to thrive

  7. 8)  DEMON is Fear: primal fears

1)Daily Question: What is your biggest root chakra fear? Physical, Survival, Safety, Finances

2)Share with partners in breakout? 3)Energy Work
4)Final Question: Take away from today