5 mins
- Logistics:
Check in sheets
Talk about next class: Peru video:
Domino Peru
Have heather say something?
8 mins
2) What I Noticed from your checkins..
8 mins
3) Throat reflections
a) How many of you found yourself speaking your truth more?
b) How many of you were more aware of lies you tell yourself or others?
Everyone else Post in chat
5 mins
4) Visualization: Sitting comfortably, close the physical eyes, and begin to observe the breath. Allow shoulders to relax with each exhalation. Deepen breath.
With an inhale, bring right hand’s mudra fingers to forehead, between eyebrows. Breathe deeply.
Visualize a dusky night sky, deeply indigo. Immerse yourself in the experience of sitting under the dusk sky, after sunset.
Now, see a blue flame flickering in the distance. Invite the flame, burning with cool, calm energy, to approach you.
Watch the blue flame emerge from the sky and come to rest at your forehead. Inhale the flame into your third eye, where your fingertips rest.
Breathe, watching the flame flicker with your breath, inside of your forehead.
Breathe and enjoy the sensation of the cool, mysterious blue flame.
When you’re ready, release fingers and bring hands into the heart.
Know that you have access – now and always – to the dusky blue flame of intuition. Flutter open the eyes.
40 mins
4) Energy Work for third eye and journaling
15 mins
We move from the 5th chakra realm of vibration, sound communication and creativity into expanded vision and light. This is a higher and faster vibration than that of sound in the chakra below.
The purpose of the 6th is to see the way, and bring the light of consciousness to all that exists within and around us.
6th. Chakra is called the Brow/Third Eye Chakra.
Location : Between the brow and the forehead: ears, eyes, nose and brain.
Color: Indigo
Development: Adolescence
Function: Intuition, connection with higher self, ability to see without filters of the mind
Action: ‘I See’ but transcends our five known senses
Sense: Intuition
Demon: Illusion
6th Chakra:
The 6th chakra is the realm of intuition, openness to seeing new things and ways, truth, and viewing and reading emotional experiences. We Move from the external of expression to the internal of watching and seeing.
It’s a place of expanded vision, and we see unity in all things.
It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. This chakra opens our psychic abilities and our understanding of archetypal levels. It is the center of balanced thought between intuition and intellect. It is a place of dreams, vision and imagination.
This chakra is about insight. The challenge of this chakra is to learn how to trust the intuitive voices within you
Your 3rd Eye is about bypassing physical knowledge & reaching into spiritual thoughts; referred to as the knowing sense.
The use of our imagination is essential here. However, imagination can run wild if it is not combined with some type of spiritual practice. Practicing meditation is believed to be the key in developing our intuition. The object is to gain insight and clarity of vision while letting go of the mind.
The sixth chakra is also where we use the power of visualization Without vision, our actions are merely impulses, but with vision they become a reality and we are able to manifest our desires in the physical.
The power of visualization can be applied to anything. This includes healing illness in our physical body.
But as Albert Einstein once said, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”
Some common problems in the six chakra are:
sinus problems
DEFICIENT disorderly, unassertive, frightened of achieving, too sensitive to the feelings of others and unaware of what comes from the self or from our highest guidance. Paranoia, inability to focus, confused, undisciplined.
OVERACTIVE: If the energy flow is too great it can cause a lack of concentration, headaches, making us confused, causes spiritual fatigue, psychological problems or panic attacks and depression. Overpowering others, living in fantasy world.
BALANCED: exist within the ebb and flow of synchronicity. This is due to your ability to hear and follow your inner guidance which makes you tremendously intuitive. you charisma and intuition, a vision beyond material things and the gift of second sight. Your thoughts may easily manifest themselves as physical realities in a very short time due to your talent of visualization. You perceive the levels of reality beyond the senses and can channel this into profound healing or artistic abilities.* Congruency between thoughts, words and deeds
* Bridges thoughts-feelings-ideas with actions
* Can receive guidance, not attached to material things * No fear of death, master of yourself,
For most people in our culture, 6th chakra work is less a matter of healing than it is of development. As kids we are not taught to use our intuition, to think symbolically or even to believe in the possibilities of psychic awareness.
Development of the 6th requires us to overcome this bias and disbelief, and then applying focus, practice and discipline to developing our awareness. Learning to see is a matter of learning how to look and of having the patience to look long enough to find what you are seeking.
Intuition is the leap toward wholeness from fragmentation. Intuition is the unconscious recognition of pattern. Intuition, is passive. Those who try to force intuition know full well that it doesn’t behave according to will, but rather by a process of openness and receptivity. The development of intuition enhances our psychic abilities and is a central function of the 6th. Since intuition is passive, it requires surrender.
We live in a culture that favors logic over intuition. As children, we are not taught to value our intuition and often our hunches are discounted because we don’t believe we could actually know things through non-logical means. This internal invalidation suppresses our psychic abilities.
Our rational mind thinks in pieces. One piece follows another, leading us logically from one thought to the next. While the rational mind may synthesize a whole from its individual pieces, it is poorly suited for grasping larger wholes on an immediate, experiential level.
To grasp concepts of cosmic and transcendent consciousness- the realms associated with the upper chakras- we must have a more direct means of perception. This is the purpose of intuition.
Spiritual growth often requires us to break free of established patterns. This can be frightening. So frightening in fact that many people never attempt it at all, preferring instead to cling to the familiar realms of the lower chakras. How do we maintain ground in the face of the unknown territory of transformation? We rely on intuition. It makes the unknown knowable.
Dreams are a way for the unconscious to work on issues that may not yet be in the conscious mind. They link the conscious and unconscious mind. They link the lower and upper chakras which are crucial both to our awakening as conscious individuals and to the connection of that consciousness with the dynamic ground of Earth and nature.
They are the 6th chakra contribution to the goal of realization which is the final step of the rainbow bridge. Dreams present alternatives to ordinary reality. In order to have vision, imagination, clairvoyance, and insight, we need to be able to think in new and creative ways. Dreams open the way for us to see things in a new light, revealing hidden feelings and understandings, desires and needs, rejected selves, unused talents, and missing pieces of our wholeness. They are often profoundly irrational images that uproot the conscious mind and open it to something larger.
Dreams often bring us answers to problems that our conscious mind couldn’t solve and so become powerful spiritual teachers. Dreams are the psyche’s way of maintaining homeostasis-of compensating for the lack of balance as we adjust our lives to external realities. They communicate essential information to the conscious mind about our health, relationships, work, growth and almost any other area in which we might inquire.
While very few dreams are prophetic, they can provide precise insights into our personal needs, desires, and concerns. They are also compensatory and healing.
Dreams are highly symbolic, so they are frequently dismissed as silly or useless until the dreamer starts to take them seriously by writing them down and reflecting on them symbolically.
We see the way by learning to recognize patterns. Patterns reveal the identity of a thing- what it is, what its for, how to relate to it. Opening the third eye allows us to see beyond, and perceive even deeper patterns and meaning. While each of chakras bring us information, it is the task of the 6th to assemble that information into meaningful patterns. This self-reflection leads to self- knowledge and wholeness. Pattern recognition requires the ability to see simultaneously into past, present and future. Once we recognize a pattern, we can intuit what it will become and guide our actions accordingly. This is the beginning of wisdom.
INSIGHT In the recognition of patterns, we find our way to insight. Insight is the ability to see within the “aha” of recognizing a pattern, seeing where it relates to the larger picture, seeing what it means. It is within the self that the info from our experiences has been gathering and is stored in our memory. It is only by seeing within that we can cross reference that info and recognize meaningful patterns. Each time we recognize a pattern, we move toward wholeness. Opening the 3rd eye allows us to see the big picture, transcend our ego-centricity and find the deeper meaning inherent in all things. As inner sight develops, illusion are shattered, dreams are integrated, clarity begins and consciousness extends yet another step beyond what was available in the lower 5 chakras. We now access the broad vision that enables us to see our way toward completion.
DEMON is illusion
In this chakra we work with seeing and uncovering patterns… In perceiving patterns, we often run into illusion which is the demon of the chakra. Illusion takes our consciousness from seeing things with an open-mind and fixes it on a frozen image. An illusion is a static image, stuck in the stream of time and is for that reason unreal. It keeps us from living a creative life, from acting on our intuition, acting in the moment.
the illusion i hold of how something SHOULD be is usually an image of what it currently is not. our attachment to how it should be pulls us out of present time, where we might see realistically.
My fixation on my body 10 pounds thinner fails to appreciate my body the way it is now. My illusion of how a relationship should be, makes me criticize all the places my relationship falls short of the image, and I fail to see the bigger meaning these issues might have for me in the present..
Its being fixated on an image that keeps us from living clearly and authentically. It keeps us from being alive..from being in the stream of life…it keeps us from being present and creating.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness
That most frightens us.
We ask ourselves
Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small
Does not serve the world.
There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking
So that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine,
As children do.
We were born to make manifest
The glory of God that is within us.
It’s not just in some of us;
It’s in everyone.
And as we let our own light shine,
We unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
As we’re liberated from our own fear,
Our presence automatically liberates others.
Blind Readings: Show 3 different cards have them guess…